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Figure Comparison

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Post #1 Guest_viking_*

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Posted 02 March 2014 - 04:35 PM

Dear Collectors,


Are the scale dimensions of Figarti's figures compatible with those from First Legion?





Post #2 Neil


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Posted 02 March 2014 - 05:30 PM

My own personal opinion is they don't work together

Post #3 Guest_viking_*

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Posted 02 March 2014 - 05:43 PM

My own personal opinion is they don't work together



Thank you!

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Post #4 Firebat


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Posted 02 March 2014 - 07:52 PM

Absolutely not.......Actually hardly any figures are compatible with FL.


We are hoping KONPRINZ is going to come through with FL compatible  figures.


Stay tuned here because there are going to be some new releases from KRONPRINZ in the near future.

Post #5 mitch


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Posted 03 March 2014 - 08:11 AM

I am not so sure the answer is as straight forward as no. I have always thought the Figarti figures were small compared to K&C, CS and TG so, if your bothered then they would not work. However, with them being much thinner I think and this is only from my experience of the Figarti figures that have come with the AFV's and add on crews I have had and, FL that it is a test as they go situation.  


We know when people are talking about 1/30th that even the bang on scale interpretations are sometimes just that. We know FL have also played around with scale so, the Waffen SS are bigger in stature than the Stalingrad figures. I think, I heard the explanation that different sculptors have their interpretation of what 1/30th is on TF. Thus, the answer was that all figures within each category SS, would be the new size but will all match, Stalingrad will have new additions that will all match with what has been released so far and, etc etc. 


So, I think, ''you pays your money and takes your chances'' as they say (well, someone once did!!). Compatibility is also in the eye of the collector as what some find compatible others would not. I think there is such a gulf between painting styles that no matter what ranges and who from will always look different and not compatible apart from K&C and TG which match well.


I don't mind big figures as it adds to a scene when there is height and stature difference. The main issue is also that weapons and equipment which should be all the same size is often all over and adds to the issue when if it were the same size could be blended by a scene maker.


I think from the Kronprinz I have size wise they would be a match but, I feel again that the painting is very different and, unless that is not an issue for you they won't work (I should caveat that in terms of they would not work for me)


Advice is all well and good but, I could say X and really you may sit down and feel its completely wrong. You mix what you want at the end of the day and if you post pictures of scenes and dioramas then I would take on board comments but, not change your own opinion of what works for you as a collector etc.


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Post #6 Guest_viking_*

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Posted 03 March 2014 - 08:36 AM

I am not so sure the answer is as straight forward as no. I have always thought the Figarti figures were small compared to K&C, CS and TG so, if your bothered then they would not work. However, with them being much thinner I think and this is only from my experience of the Figarti figures that have come with the AFV's and add on crews I have had and, FL that it is a test as they go situation.  


We know when people are talking about 1/30th that even the bang on scale interpretations are sometimes just that. We know FL have also played around with scale so, the Waffen SS are bigger in stature than the Stalingrad figures. I think, I heard the explanation that different sculptors have their interpretation of what 1/30th is on TF. Thus, the answer was that all figures within each category SS, would be the new size but will all match, Stalingrad will have new additions that will all match with what has been released so far and, etc etc. 


So, I think, ''you pays your money and takes your chances'' as they say (well, someone once did!!). Compatibility is also in the eye of the collector as what some find compatible others would not. I think there is such a gulf between painting styles that no matter what ranges and who from will always look different and not compatible apart from K&C and TG which match well.


I don't mind big figures as it adds to a scene when there is height and stature difference. The main issue is also that weapons and equipment which should be all the same size is often all over and adds to the issue when if it were the same size could be blended by a scene maker.


I think from the Kronprinz I have size wise they would be a match but, I feel again that the painting is very different and, unless that is not an issue for you they won't work (I should caveat that in terms of they would not work for me)


Advice is all well and good but, I could say X and really you may sit down and feel its completely wrong. You mix what you want at the end of the day and if you post pictures of scenes and dioramas then I would take on board comments but, not change your own opinion of what works for you as a collector etc.




Thank you!  I really like the four figure DAK set and have been giving some thought to adding it to my collection.

Post #7 Guest_viking_*

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Posted 03 March 2014 - 08:37 AM

Absolutely not.......Actually hardly any figures are compatible with FL.


We are hoping KONPRINZ is going to come through with FL compatible  figures.


Stay tuned here because there are going to be some new releases from KRONPRINZ in the near future.

Chief C,


Thank you!

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