I have often commented about the mistakes in horse poses and even anatomy caused by sculptors copying paintings without doing their own research. Of course the same can be said of history in general. Of course this is primarily a problem for black power age and earlier but there is no doubt that many historical paintings provide a distorted view of the scenes they are supposed to be representing. I thought it might be interesting for us to share some of our favorite distortions in this tread.
To start, here is a well known painting of the supposed charge of Cuirassiers at Waterloo. Notice how close so many are to the Highlander square here. The fact is that simply did not happen and while a few may have gotten within a few yards, the bulk most certainly did not. Contrary to popular myth, horses do not charge into squares and to be in full gallop as close as the front line shown here would have been pointless suicide. But it certainly looks valiant, which I guess is the point.
So who has some other distorted history painting examples?