Found myself forced to sit through all three of these movies today. Gawd it was awful.
Anyone else here find themselves utterly BORED of the RINGS?
I know I am. The quite transparent intrigue and repeatedly tiresome plots, plus complete lack of character development simply bores me to tears.
It's just got to be the most tedious and over-hyped book of the 20th Century, along with Mein Kampf, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, How We Almost Defeated The French In 1914 by Baron von Hittenrun, The Killing Fields, Frederick the Great's Guide to Sniping, (ghost written by that well-known 21st century literary hack John Gedherding); oh, and anything whatsoever by Ernest Hemingway, or Alexander Pope.
I reckon the only answer is to initiate a boycott of all this entirely wearisome and complete crap, that might have been scribbled by your average sulky 10-year old, until such time as someone better comes along and releases people from being directed to read all of it.