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Post #1 Guest_The Lt._*

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Posted 22 October 2010 - 11:02 AM

For those of you who may have collected the playsets these figures represent along with those who enjoy painting their figures Conte's also has provided a selection of resin figures for sale. Here's the link from his web site.......The Lt. http://www.conteco.com

Post #2 nevinsrip


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Posted 26 October 2010 - 02:20 PM

How can something be "rare" when you can still buy it from the original maker?
Rare is a word that is thrown around way to much when dealing with toy soldiers.

Post #3 Denver


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Posted 26 October 2010 - 10:20 PM

True Story, Nevinsrip.
They are also available on EBay Every Week.
"We Never Promised You A Rose Garden"

Post #4 eborris


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Posted 27 October 2010 - 09:11 AM

Yeah from him and he always uses the "RARE" word.

Rare would be the interior of the War Lord tower and the 8th Alamo set, oops that would be non-existent.

QUOTE (Denver @ Oct 27 2010, 03:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
True Story, Nevinsrip.
They are also available on EBay Every Week.

Post #5 Rob Chapman

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Posted 27 October 2010 - 09:36 AM

Any idea what brand of resin figures (Conte) talking about ohmy.gif .......Warlord tower playset now that would be "RARE"
Scotland the brave playset figs have been on ebay for some time now!

Post #6 Guest_The Lt._*

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Posted 27 October 2010 - 10:54 AM

QUOTE (eborris @ Oct 27 2010, 02:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah from him and he always uses the "RARE" word.

Rare would be the interior of the War Lord tower and the 8th Alamo set, oops that would be non-existent.

Seems Ed Conte made it a point awhile back providing an explanation for both the War Lord Tower and set 8 of the Alamo not coming about. It also seems you've had no problem using the word RARE when you've sold his products.....The Lt.

Post #7 Guest_The Lt._*

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Posted 27 October 2010 - 11:05 AM

QUOTE (Rob Chapman @ Oct 27 2010, 02:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Any idea what brand of resin figures (Conte) talking about ohmy.gif .......Warlord tower playset now that would be "RARE"
Scotland the brave playset figs have been on ebay for some time now!

Rob I'm not sure if you've visited his web site since I started this topic he's updated the offering of his resin figures with photos.......The Lt.

Post #8 Rob Chapman

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Posted 27 October 2010 - 12:00 PM

Thanks Lt....do like those Alamo sets.
but he talks about some brand of resin figs "oozing oil over time" ?? anyone had this problem.

Post #9 Oldallamerican


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Posted 27 October 2010 - 10:47 PM

I've never had a problem with oozing, though some of the earlier sets by Barzso had some frail parts like tomahawks and knives, that problem has been solved in the recent sets I've bought from him (and the earlier sets IMHO were worth the risk). I've heard the Scotland the Brave figures are extremely frail, which is the major reason I didn't buy them when they came out, as much as I would have loved to have had both (I think there were two) sets and at the time had the funds. Even my old Barzso Roger's Rangers are holding up pretty well aside from one broken tomahawk the last I checked.

Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia

Post #10 eborris


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Posted 28 October 2010 - 06:13 AM

1. How much is he paying you?

2. When have I ever sold a Conte product and called it rare?

3. Explanation or not, he did make some War Lord Tower interiors, so having one would be rare.

4. Why don't you post some more Zulu pictures somewhere?

5. Should we ever meet , why don't we discuss this in person?

QUOTE (The Lt. @ Oct 27 2010, 04:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Seems Ed Conte made it a point awhile back providing an explanation for both the War Lord Tower and set 8 of the Alamo not coming about. It also seems you've had no problem using the word RARE when you've sold his products.....The Lt.

Post #11 Guest_The Lt._*

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Posted 28 October 2010 - 08:50 AM

QUOTE (eborris @ Oct 28 2010, 11:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
1. How much is he paying you? NOTHING

2. When have I ever sold a Conte product and called it rare? APPARENTLY I WAS WRONG AN TAKE YOU AT YOUR WORD FOR IT.

3. Explanation or not, he did make some War Lord Tower interiors, so having one would be rare. THAT'S TRUE It was the snide tone of your comment I responded to.

4. Why don't you post some more Zulu pictures somewhere? I PLAN TO

5. Should we ever meet , why don't we discuss this in person? NOT A PROBLEM

Post #12 eborris


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Posted 28 October 2010 - 12:34 PM

Well, LT this is still the land of the free, and I guess you are free to defend what you take is an afront to your hero.

I look forward to our meeting with great anticipation, how about Texas Memorial Day weekend? I'll be there. Or any OTSN you choose to attend. Heck, I'll even give you my home address should you be in the vicinity of Chicago. Bring your lunch.

Post #13 Guest_The Lt._*

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Posted 28 October 2010 - 01:38 PM

QUOTE (eborris @ Oct 28 2010, 05:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, LT this is still the land of the free, and I guess you are free to defend what you take is an afront to your hero.

I look forward to our meeting with great anticipation, how about Texas Memorial Day weekend? I'll be there. Or any OTSN you choose to attend. Heck, I'll even give you my home address should you be in the vicinity of Chicago. Bring your lunch.

If by chance in the future I can attended either of the shows I'll make it a point to look you up.

Post #14 nevinsrip


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Posted 28 October 2010 - 11:13 PM

I have no idea who you are LT. but I have seen you post this Conte news all over the internet's toy soldier sites (TMP, Treefrog, HB and several others). I do have to wonder why? Is it just to inform the toy soldier public or is there another reason? Don't take this as a personal attack on you' but a simple querry as to what your intentions were. If you say that you are just trying to help, I will take you at your word as a fellow Lieutenant.

However, if you are being compensated by Conte, than I think you need to reveal that in the interest of fairness. Don't you?. Thanks........Retired Lt.

Post #15 eborris


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Posted 29 October 2010 - 05:51 AM

God, I hope so and I hope your insurance is paid up.

QUOTE (The Lt. @ Oct 28 2010, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If by chance in the future I can attended either of the shows I'll make it a point to look you up.

Post #16 modwalls


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Posted 29 October 2010 - 06:36 AM

I'm a big Conte fan, I can't believe the things I'm reading. I can't speak for the Lt. on compensation, but I doubt Conte is paying him for his love of his product. The Lt. is a friend who collects nothing but Zulu War. He reads and knows just about everything pertaining to that War. Ed, I hope I'm misreading your insurance intentions, Joe is an ex Vet retired young at heart man, who would give you the shirt off his back. He lives in a trailer in Maine, can hardly walk without pain. He attends the Northeast shows religiously, hoping to find something Zulu to add to his unbeliable collection. Also to touch base with his friends. Now I 'm sure you mean no harm would come to him on his way to the shows. I think it is great Conte is even offering to sell figs. you could only get when you buy playsets. That is why some people use to by playsets, to get that rare fig or two you could only get. I don't know why people take this hard line against Conte, I'm sure tough times are on all the companies right now in this tough economy. Remember, this is a Hobby, have fun, stop getting offended by every word. I for one hope the economy picks up, I'm sure Conte will be out front leading the way with all the cool looking stuff we have seen and heard about for years. From what I seen, this Hobby moves at a snails pace, but that's good for me any way.

Post #17 eborris


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Posted 29 October 2010 - 06:54 AM

I take exception when someone takes his zeal to the personal level. My original comment was not directed at him in anyway. However, his comments were directed at me and made a false accusation, I take exception to that. If someone is going to make a personal attack on me my fighter intinct is to counterpunch.

I don't tell anyone to stop endlessly posting Zulu pictures on every forum, nor do I tell anyone what opinion they can have or what they can say, when someone attacks my right to do so, now it is personal. If he stays out of my way I'll stay out of his. I will not apologize for defending myself.

QUOTE (modwalls @ Oct 29 2010, 11:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm a big Conte fan, I can't believe the things I'm reading. I can't speak for the Lt. on compensation, but I doubt Conte is paying him for his love of his product. The Lt. is a friend who collects nothing but Zulu War. He reads and knows just about everything pertaining to that War. Ed, I hope I'm misreading your insurance intentions, Joe is an ex Vet retired young at heart man, who would give you the shirt off his back. He lives in a trailer in Maine, can hardly walk without pain. He attends the Northeast shows religiously, hoping to find something Zulu to add to his unbeliable collection. Also to touch base with his friends. Now I 'm sure you mean no harm would come to him on his way to the shows. I think it is great Conte is even offering to sell figs. you could only get when you buy playsets. That is why some people use to by playsets, to get that rare fig or two you could only get. I don't know why people take this hard line against Conte, I'm sure tough times are on all the companies right now in this tough economy. Remember, this is a Hobby, have fun, stop getting offended by every word. I for one hope the economy picks up, I'm sure Conte will be out front leading the way with all the cool looking stuff we have seen and heard about for years. From what I seen, this Hobby moves at a snails pace, but that's good for me any way.

Post #18 Guest_The Lt._*

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Posted 29 October 2010 - 07:44 AM

QUOTE (nevinsrip @ Oct 29 2010, 04:13 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I have no idea who you are LT. but I have seen you post this Conte news all over the internet's toy soldier sites (TMP, Treefrog, HB and several others). I do have to wonder why? Is it just to inform the toy soldier public or is there another reason? Don't take this as a personal attack on you' but a simple querry as to what your intentions were. If you say that you are just trying to help, I will take you at your word as a fellow Lieutenant.

However, if you are being compensated by Conte, than I think you need to reveal that in the interest of fairness. Don't you?. Thanks........Retired Lt.

nevinsrip I've done the same for WBritain creating a thread on TF when they introduced their Zulu War Series being the first in numerous cases featuring their new sets and figures and continue to do so. I've created threads featuring Trophy, Little Legion and Frontline featuring their Zulu War Series which I've also created on the sites you've mention featuring sets and figures from all of the above manufactures. In all cases to inform the public an like others to share my collection of Zulu War sets and figures as others have been doing with their collections in one form or another.. I've answered the question of compensation when being ask in the past I'm not being paid by Conte......The Lt.

Post #19 Guest_The Lt._*

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Posted 29 October 2010 - 08:05 AM

QUOTE (eborris @ Oct 29 2010, 11:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I take exception when someone takes his zeal to the personal level. My original comment was not directed at him in anyway. However, his comments were directed at me and made a false accusation, I take exception to that. If someone is going to make a personal attack on me my fighter intinct is to counterpunch.

I don't tell anyone to stop endlessly posting Zulu pictures on every forum, nor do I tell anyone what opinion they can have or what they can say, when someone attacks my right to do so, now it is personal. If he stays out of my way I'll stay out of his. I will not apologize for defending myself.

Your the one whose taken his zeal to a personal level Ed an not I. There was no personal attack intended on my part. So I'll make it a point to stay out of your way an you do like wise so let's bring this to an end...........The Lt.

Post #20 nevinsrip


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Posted 29 October 2010 - 02:53 PM

LT OK, I take you at your word that you are just trying to expose the rest of us to new releases. Very nice of you. ....Bill