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#114864 Antietam 54mm

Posted by fubar on 03 September 2017 - 06:58 PM

15 years worth of collecting, carving , painting. Britain's, Conte , Blackcat casting, LOTS of Conte plastic/blackcat metal conversions ect ect.

I had to take certain liberties.But I hoped to at least capture some critical moments and a general representation.

Bill and Matt have helped greatly  over the years.As have many others  Time and come, these figs all needed a good dusting off. So, after a week or so taking them all off the shelves , I had the Civil War itch. So I went ahead and TRIED to do justice to this moment in our Nations History.

 I'll have to cast some more figs. There are BC castings, I never kept or painted any  for myself!

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#121053 Medieval madness, 54mm Britains , Barzo Castle

Posted by fubar on 11 February 2018 - 07:19 PM

Had not set these up in quiet a while. Had bought the Barzso Castle and buildings 2-3 years ago and never got around to setting it up. Always doing another theme. Have Britain's plastics from all generations from Herald, swoppets, all kinds of Deetail. There are some Starlux and a few Tradition kits I painted 15 years ago. Siege towers are elastolin as is the trebuchet.  Found another tubb with archers stakes and a bunch of Timpo great helm foot Knights with banners, after I took the pix.

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#105750 My recent work, first time I ever posted pictures!

Posted by THE SHOOTIST on 29 April 2017 - 02:16 AM

Some recent stuff I've been working on.Attached File  007.JPG   61.29KB   0 downloadsAttached File  014.JPG   62.16KB   0 downloadsAttached File  010.JPG   47.87KB   0 downloadsAttached File  003.JPG   70.07KB   0 downloadsAttached File  002.JPG   65.56KB   0 downloads

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#101313 Rome

Posted by Sahara on 17 February 2017 - 02:57 AM

I was recently asked to post these pics. I had meant to post these sooner but I got a tad busy with some other things. I wanted to get around to hiding bases etc.... but I just don't have the time right now. I'll update the pics when I get around 2 it.

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#100741 Centurion

Posted by debrito on 04 February 2017 - 06:22 PM

My new project that I am move on. It is a 90mm kit from Romeo Model.  Very early stages, primers have been applied; this one has a huge shield as well that will be a nice challenger.





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#132607 High Water Mark

Posted by fubar on 08 April 2019 - 08:20 PM

Heading back to Gettysburg after 31 years. No more running around in wool for me but I am excited. Had my table cleared and this all, just sort of happened. I was trying to do the Cyclorama in miniature. Not quite.

I need far more Rebel's and casualties. I have 65 , not counting the falling soldiers. They just get lost on the table. Have 300 plus more Iron Brigade and Zouave figs screaming to be let on the table, but no.

Painting CTS and even some Marx to fill it out.  Theres a toy show In Gettysburg May 5 and several shops to hunt for more additions. Going for a week. Taking it all in.

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#127640 Market Garden 54mm war game set up

Posted by fubar on 28 July 2018 - 07:36 PM

Ill conceived layout but I had a very bad itch to get my collection out. Painting figs and adding others, vehicles ect over the years. I was going to bust if I did not set it up. Of course I HAD to use every terrain piece that would work since it's been years since I Had anything WW2 Europe n the table.

Over generalized scene. Had British Para in the town at one end of the 16 foot table, 160 more in 2 Companies at the other end.German in between of course, plus attacking the town. All light armored vehicles , no medium or heavy types. British had three 6 pounders, 4 mortars and 2 pack howitzers. Roughly 250 troops on both sides. 500 figures and some change.

Close game. The British almost manged to link up with those in the town.

Fun game for the 5 players.100 degree heat , but they soldiered though it.

Now, I get to put it all away. Thought about changing the terrain and removing the British, and use my American, or British Tommies for some pix as they have not seen outside their storage in years either.

The crazy thing is, I am completing a 28mm collection of Airborne complete with lots of jeeps and towed guns.Have x2 Horsa gliders , lasercut to put together.At a standstill .Can't seem to muster the determination to build them. Always something far easier to tackle and knock out in an evening.

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#127106 Run for your life!

Posted by Sahara on 07 July 2018 - 06:20 PM

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#102054 Ninja / Samurai diorama

Posted by jpg on 06 March 2017 - 05:39 PM

I just completed work on my latest diorama. I hope you enjoy the photos! Joe


Materials used:

Nevskaya Ninjas x 2

Aeroart Samurai

Custom wood base stained and poly urethane sealed 

Acylic paint by various manufacturers

Testors enamel piant

Acrylic varnish

Insulation foam


Baked, sieved dirt

Baked, unsieved dirt 


Various organic and synthetic plants

Magic water

Gloss medium gel

PVA glue

Foam fusion glue

Many hours
































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#135030 EAGLES NEST.

Posted by WCE on 20 August 2019 - 02:59 AM

The EAGLES NEST (named after my football team) is officially finished,accept 4 STUKA,s which I can't shift because I cant find their boxes and they don't travel well.


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#131362 ZULU

Posted by fubar on 23 January 2019 - 04:03 PM

It's been several years since I had my ZULU collection on the table. Last time we played a war game using THE SWORD AND THE FLAME  Colonial rules. Since then I have added quite a few figures. Mostly Britain's but theres a good number of Conte metal and plastics, 50 or so Frontline that I have had for a long time and found another couple sets recently. More Plastic Expeditionary Force Zulu and British including some mounted and a gun set which I did not include in this set up. A few Collectors showcase made their way in. I kit bashed some Conte and Ex force Zulu's. I moved the troops over a few nights to show the action. Not really enough room for everything in 54mm but it was enjoyable and a little bit of a workout.Next, the drift.

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#128777 Finally arrived

Posted by WCE on 03 September 2018 - 07:45 PM

It's a 6x3 Donger and is my new hobby room, the collection still in storage but 1 step closer to getting it set up.

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Posted by Sahara on 22 January 2018 - 03:27 AM


JJD AND fL Figures
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#119261 In Defense of the Eagle

Posted by Sahara on 28 December 2017 - 01:17 AM

New project under way. 





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#112999 March on PA

Posted by revwarbuff on 01 August 2017 - 10:57 AM

A small dio of some of JJD's PA regiment from his FIW range:


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#102604 Roman artillery battery

Posted by jpg on 20 March 2017 - 12:38 AM

I've just completed work on another diorama. This one has been several weeks in the making and features an Arsenyev Tribune, six Aeroart Roman Legionaries (two auxiliaries), and three Aeroart Roman war machines- onager, trebuchet and scorpion. Next will be smaller vignette style diorama featuring Mongols.

I hope you enjoy the images.























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#155913 WB 88mm flak diorama

Posted by Neil on 25 July 2021 - 01:13 PM

Hope you like

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#148849 My P51 Mustang

Posted by Gebhard on 24 September 2020 - 01:34 PM

My P51 is a bit special to me, it was Piloted by Urban Drew and given to me by him.  A little background on the man for those who are not familiar with him copied from internet ( lazy today) 


He enlisted in the United States Army Air Forces on May 14, 1942, and entered the Aviation Cadet Program in October 1942.

Drew was commissioned a 2d Lt and awarded his pilot wings in Marianna Army Field on October 1, 1943, and began training as an instructor pilot for the North American P-51 Mustang at Bartow Field and then served as a P-51 Mustang instructor pilot with the 56th Fighter Squadron of the 54th Fighter Group.


He went overseas in May 1944 and was assigned to the 375th Fighter Squadron of the 361st Fighter Group, which was stationed at RAF Bottisham and later at RAF Little Walden.

During his tour with the 361st Fighter Group, which was commonly known as "Yellowjackets", Drew completed 75 missions, rising to command of "A" Flight and the 375th Fighter Squadron.                                                                                                                                                                                                   


Drew would be officially credited with six aerial victories during his combat tour. "Detroit Miss", coded E2-D was his personal P-51, during his tour with 361st Fighter Group. He was credited with 6 aerial victories, 1 ground victory, 1 damaged and 1 water kill, in which he and his wingman sank and burned the largest aircraft in world, the Blohm & Voss BV238-V1 on 18 September 1944. Hitler was going to use it to bomb Washington and New York City.


His biggest day was on October 7, 1944, when he shot down 2 jet-powered Me 262s on a single mission while leading an attack on Achmer Aerodrome.


His appeal for the Distinguished Service Cross was denied, because of the lack of evidence for his kills; the gun camera of his P-51 had jammed and his wingman, 2nd Lt. Robert McCandliss was shot down and became a prisoner of war.  However, he was awarded the Air Force Cross many years later.


A few shots of his Plane, and him as a young man.

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I first met Mr Ben at a Militaria show many years ago. He used to attend many shows in the States and Europe and was also invited to many of the old pilot get togethers. I remember going to DC to meet him and Herr Galland who was like a rockstar at those events always wearing a silk suite, sporting that mustache with his very young wife on his arm. Those were good times.  I was introduced Mr Ben by a mutual friend and we all went to dinner. He was a great guy like most WWII vets I've had the pleasure of knowing and was happy to call him a friend for years. Anyway anytime we were at the same event we would always make it a point to meet for dinner.

He gave me this plane model which he autographed to me, its made of solid wood he told me he had it made in the Philippines. I have enjoyed it all these years and often think of Ben & all those guys from the greatest generation that we've lost. What would they say now days ???? I know they were horrified 30 years ago... 

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#137115 New Thin Red LIne

Posted by Spitfrnd on 05 November 2019 - 07:09 PM

Thought I would post a shot of my current set of original and modified FL British 51st Line figures.  They are proving excellent subjects for conversion and I will end up with quite a few more poses than the original 15. Not sure I can get to the French 18th's record 40 but who knows.

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#122065 FIREBATS - World War I

Posted by Firebat on 07 March 2018 - 04:27 PM

Frontline Figures with a haze overlay....Explosion is pillow fiber spray painted.




Halloween lights placed in explosions for a glowing effect.



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