Next the latest (and hopefully not last) word in combat fighters, the multi-role, multi-service F35. Sadly it is a performance downgrade from the Raptor so its true penetration into the world's fighter fleet is a big unknown at this time.
Posted 21 December 2014 - 11:37 AM
Next the latest (and hopefully not last) word in combat fighters, the multi-role, multi-service F35. Sadly it is a performance downgrade from the Raptor so its true penetration into the world's fighter fleet is a big unknown at this time.
Posted 21 December 2014 - 11:43 AM
Next, a true legend of civilian aviation, the trend setting Boeing 707. It may not have been the first jet airliner but it is the one that made jet travel a convention. Besides, how many airliners completed a full roll in their public unveiling flybys? It holds a special place in my heart since I spent most of my Air Force career flying its military counterpart. It wasn't glamours but it sure was damned reliable. Pity I never got the chance to roll one though.
Posted 21 December 2014 - 11:46 AM
Next, the sexiest airliner ever and the one that should have heralded a new age in air transportation but for buffoons in our Congress and those nations who followed suit. I regret I never flew in one. Who knows how long it will be before air travel exceeds the sound barrier again.
Posted 21 December 2014 - 12:01 PM
Have a good fly mate
" The war, it is the war of the men ; the peace, it is the war of the ideas. " - Victor Hugo
Posted 22 December 2014 - 10:51 AM
Hey thanks much Val.
Of course I have flown supersonic many times and to be honest, from the cockpit or anywhere else inside, breaking the sound barrier in an aircraft designed for it is pretty anti-climatic. It was getting the design right to do that that was the great challenge and made the efforts by those brave test pilots, like the amazing General Yeager, some impressive. Still the idea of getting somewhere that fast is intoxicating. Speed, I feel the need for speed.
Posted 22 December 2014 - 01:30 PM
Hi Spit,Hey thanks much Val.
Of course I have flown supersonic many times and to be honest, from the cockpit or anywhere else inside, breaking the sound barrier in an aircraft designed for it is pretty anti-climatic. It was getting the design right to do that that was the great challenge and made the efforts by those brave test pilots, like the amazing General Yeager, some impressive. Still the idea of getting somewhere that fast is intoxicating. Speed, I feel the need for speed.
" The war, it is the war of the men ; the peace, it is the war of the ideas. " - Victor Hugo
Posted 23 December 2014 - 11:20 AM
Can you believe it was a British design jet engine in the mig ! Shocking
Oh yes, quite the little scandal that one. When approached with the idea, Stalin was quoted as saying "What fool would sell us their secrets?" Well the British Labour government and its Minister of Trade,Sir Stafford Cripps, were perfectly willing to answer that question and provided full blueprints, technical information and sample engines, as well as a license to manufacture the Rolls-Royce Nene. I think Rolls-Royce never collected on the license fees despite their efforts to do so.
It was a damn fine aircraft and one of the most prolifically produced with somewhere around 18,000 world wide. You can still buy one now.
Posted 01 January 2015 - 04:45 PM
I have been very puzzled by this aircraft's development.....
The F22 replaced the F15
Was this to be a less expensive aircraft to replace the F16 ?
OR more sophisticated than the F22
Posted 02 January 2015 - 08:39 PM
In theory it is supposed to replace the F-16 role as a ground strike fighter that can fight if it has too. It is more stealthy and obviously more modern but the military / defense hierarchy demands for a mulit-role, multi-service fighter have had a design toll on its capability. Also the program has been plagued by cost overruns, component failures and disappointing performance. It certainly is not an air superiority fighter against anything but a 3rd world nation and it most definitely could not survive long against an F-22 or EuroFighter Typhoon. Right now, it is unclear how much legs the design will have.